Insights in our findings
Target groups with growth potential
- Women who accept their bladder weakness and already buy competitive or substitute products such as pads or panty liners
- Women who do not accept their bladder weakness and do not use feminine hygiene products for their incontinence at all. This group tries to ignore the problem or find own solutions
Biggest buying barriers towards TENA, qualified with the target groups
- I don’t need TENA because I get along with the product I am currently using which offers enough protection from drops or small leaks
- The product I am currently using offers the required protection and is more discreet than a thick pad or even nappy that I would expect from TENA clothes
- I feel more comfortable with my product than with TENA because it provides me enough protection and is inconspicuous, whether during shopping, in the bathroom or in the handbag
Most convincing Power Insights to overcome the barriers, qualified with the target groups
- Other people realize the smell of urine faster than you yourself would. TENA helps to reliably neutralize this smell
- TENAs’ products are thin and discreet so you can also wear e.g. fine underwear or tight sport clothes
- It would be more obvious to others that you have bladder weakness if they see you going to the bathroom rather frequently to change or check your pad.
Based on the strongest Power Insights we developed a preference-generating positioning concept. This concept was the foundation for the redesign of the packaging as well as further communication activities including the website or media ads.